
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

We can all agree that it is well worth the effort to prevent health problems, but doing it can be easier said than don!  So let me light a fire under you and get you refocused on some strategies to “get your prevention on!”

Since 1995, we have marked the first week of April as National Public Health Week.

This year’s theme is, “A Healthier America Begins Today.” I’m pretty excited about the fact that the focus is on a holistic approach to disease prevention and wellness.

Is there ONE thing that we can do to prevent chronic illnesses?

YES!  Prevent inflammation!  Most of think of inflammation as localized redness or swelling of the skin, muscle or joint.  But goes deeper than that….

Inflammation happens at the cellular level also, and THAT’S what brings on the dreaded list of illnesses that increases in our

Some Chronic Illnesses caused by inflammation

•    Heart disease
•    Cancer
•    Alzheimer
•    Diabetes
•    Rheumatoid arthritis
•    Lupus

What are the contributors to inflammation?

•    Stress
•    Lack of exercise
•    Genetic predisposition
•    Exposure to toxins (including secondhand tobacco smoke)
•    Poor food choices

What foods should be avoided to reduce inflammation?

In a nutshell:  animal fats, sugars and processed foods. If you like lists, here’s one…

1. Fats: margarine, vegetable shortening, partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, trans fats, less red meat and animal fats such as the skin on poultry, and whole milk products.

2. Sugars: sugar, pastries, sweetened drinks, and products made with high fructose corn syrup.

3. Processed foods:  white bread, fast foods, most prepared foods, crackers and snack foods made with refined flour.

 4 Key Nutrition Concepts

•    Variety is the spice of life.
•    Choose as much fresh food as possible.
•    Minimize your intake of processed foods and fast food.
•    Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.

Stay tuned for the next blog as I get into the BEST way to make sure you are successful in your quest to stay healthy.


Contact me today, if you need to discuss getting on the path to prevention!